Benefits of attending

Benefits of attending



Full-Scientific papers, accepted after peer-review evaluation and presented at the Conference, will be published on paper and CD-ROM, as well as online, in our Journals’ webpages and will be widely distributed throughout the world. Submission of the paper implies that it is an original article and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Based on the recommendations from the Scientific Committee, a selection of the most representative papers will be published in AgroLife Scientific Journal.

AgroLife Scientific Journal

AgroLife Scientific Journal, Vol. XIII, Issues 1 & 2 /2024, ISSN 2285-5718, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5726, ISSN Online 2286-0126, ISSN-L 2285-5718. International Database Indexing: Web of Science Core Collection (WoS - ESCI, Journal Citation Reports), Scopus, Index Copernicus, CABI, DOAJ, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (ProQuest), PBN, Scientific Indexing Service, Cite Factor (Academic Scientific Journals), Scipio, OCLC (WorldCat), Research Bible, Google Scholar.

Section 1 - Agronomy

Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, , Vol. LXVII, Issues 1 & 2 / 2024, ISSN 2285-5785, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793, ISSN Online 2285-5807, ISSN-L 2285-5785. International Database Indexing: Web of Science Core Collection (WoS - ESCI, Journal Citation Reports), Index Copernicus, CABI, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (ProQuest), PBN, Scientific Indexing Service, Cite Factor (Academic Scientific Journals), Scipio, OCLC (WorldCat), Research Bible, Google Scholar.

Section 2 - Horticulture

Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture, Vol. LXVIII, Issues 1 & 2 / 2024, ISSN 2285-5653, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5661, ISSN Online 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653. International Database Indexing: Web of Science Core Collection (WoS - ESCI, Journal Citation Reports), Index Copernicus, CABI, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (ProQuest), PBN, Scientific Indexing Service, Cite Factor (Academic Scientific Journals), Scipio, OCLC (WorldCat), Research Bible, Google Scholar.

Section 3 - Animal Science

Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issues 1 & 2 / 2024, ISSN 2285-5750, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769, ISSN Online 2393-2260, ISSN-L 2285-5750. International Database Indexing: Web of Science Core Collection (WoS - ESCI, Journal Citation Reports), Index Copernicus, CABI, DOAJ, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (ProQuest), PBN, Cite Factor (Academic Scientific Journals), Scipio, OCLC (WorldCat), Research Bible, Google Scholar.

Section 4 - Veterinary Medicine

Scientific works. Series C. Veterinary Medicine, Vol. LXX, Issues 1 & 2 / 2024, Print ISSN 1222-5304, ISSN Online 2067 - 3663, ISSN-L 2065-1295. International Database Indexing: Index Copernicus, CABI, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (ProQuest), PBN, Cite Factor (Academic Scientific Journals), Scipio, OCLC (WorldCat), Research Bible, Google Scholar.

Section 5 -Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering

Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering, Vol. XIII, 2024, ISSN 2285-6064, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-6072, ISSN Online 2393-5138, ISSN-L 2285-6064. International Database Indexing: Web of Science Core Collection (WoS - ESCI, Journal Citation Reports), Index Copernicus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (ProQuest), PBN, Scientific Indexing Service, Cite Factor (Academic Scientific Journals), Scipio, OCLC (WorldCat), Research Bible, Google Scholar.

Section 6 - Biotechnology

Scientific Bulletin. Series F. "Biotechnologies", Vol. XXVIII, 2024, ISSN 2285-1364, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5521, ISSN Online 2285- 1372, ISSN-L 2285-1364, International Database Indexing: Index Copernicus, CABI, DOAJ, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (ProQuest), PBN, Cite Factor (Academic Scientific Journals), Scipio, OCLC (WorldCat), Research Bible, Google Scholar.

Section 7 - Management and Economics in Rural Areas

Scientific Papers Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development", Vol. 24, Issue 2/2024, ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952. International Database Indexing: Web of Science Core Collection (WoS - ESCI, Journal Citation Reports), Index Copernicus, CABI, DOAJ, PBN, Cite Factor (Academic Scientific Journals), Scipio, OCLC (WorldCat), Research Bible, Google Scholar.




All scientific full papers of the Conference Publications will be permanently archived at the following addresses:

AgroLife Scientific Journal

AgroLife Scientific Journal

Section 1 – Agronomy

Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy

Section 2 - Horticulture

Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture

Section 3 - Animal Science

Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science

Section 4 - Veterinary Medicine

Scientific works. Series C. Veterinary Medicine

Section 5 - Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering

Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation&Surveying, Environmental Engineering

Section 6 - Biotechnology

Scientific Bulletin. Series F. "Biotechnologies"

Section 7 - Management and Engineering in Rural Areas

Scientific Papers Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development"


  • All the scientific papers of the conference publications will be permanently archived on dedicated online servers and full papers can downloaded from the digital archive, which offers maximum dissemination and visibility (open access).
  • Full-Scientific papers, accepted after peer-review evaluation, will be published on paper and CD-ROM, as well as online, in our Journals’ webpages and will be widely distributed throughout the world. Based on the recommendations from the Scientific Committee, a selection of the most representative papers will be published in Agrolife Scientific Journal.
  • Inspiring keynotes delivered by high-level speakers.
  • Reflections on what the future of R&I for sustainable and inclusive agriculture and food systems should look like.
  • Insightful sessions on relevant topics, such as soil health, green technologies, climate resilient technologies, Waste management and alternative energies, resilience of food systems… and much more!
  • Networking: the A4LIFE Conference gathers researchers and professionals from the agriculture field, which allows them to share their research results, innovative ideas and practical experience related to agriculture, life and the environment.